Thursday, June 24, 2010

Grace Is 38 Today!!

It's hard for me to comprehend that Grace has been our daughter for twenty-two years. She was sixteen when she came from South Korea. Grace was our third adoption. We had only moved to Waxahachie the previous year. Tim and I had eight children. Grace became our ninth child and our oldest all at the same time!!

 Initially, Grace, who has spastic quadraplegia, did not want to be here. She didn't speak English and required almost total care. Coming to America and being adopted was overwhelming for her. She required a major surgery immediately upon her arrival.......It was to be the first of many surgeries. Her first year here was daunting for her......and us.

Now, she is happy and healthy. She scoots all over the house in her motorized wheelchair. She has her own small business selling soft drinks to her siblings. From that tiny business, she buys all her own clothes and any "electronic toys" she wants. She arranges all her own doctor's appointments. She keeps up with her siblings that no longer live at home by texting them. Her "texting" fingers are lightning fast!!  Grace has a good life.

Most doctors told us that they would be surprised if she lived to be thirty. I can understand that because she not only was spastic, but had severe scoliosis. When she was in her early twenties, she had a serious surgery that placed two metal rods in her back. That surgery straightened her spine from a 120 degree curve to a 70 degree curve. While that still might sound like a lot, it was enough to take the pressure off her internal organs. That surgery, Grace's upbeat attitude about life, and the Grace of God is why she is alive today.  

Happy Birthday, Grace!! We love you!

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