Sunday, May 16, 2010

Coming Home

I grew up in the Anglican church.  Before immigrating to America from Wales, my grandparents and their ancestors before them all attended the Church of England. My mother, brothers, dad, and I were in church most Sundays. My brothers and I were in the youth group, we went to Vacation Bible School every summer, my mother was a member of the Alter Guild, my brothers were Acolytes, my father was a frequent usher and Sunday school get the picture!  Then, when I met my husband and the love of my life, Timothy, it seemed divine that he was raised in the Anglican faith as well. We were married in a small Anglican church in Ruidoso, New Mexico. Then, we had children. Our first four children were baptized as infants in the Anglican church......Then, several experiences led us away from the Anglican church and to a Nondenominational church. We then had a quiver and more of children and raised them in the Nondenominational church. Recently, through another chain of events, we have come home to our Anglican roots. I couldn't be happier or more at peace with any decision I have ever made.

Today, my son Zachary and I had the rare experience of being the only ones from our family in church. Zachary was born in the Philippines. Until he came to be in our family at age nine, he was raised in a Roman Catholic orphanage by nuns. Zachary is thrilled with our decision to return to the Anglican church. Being alone with him this morning, I realized that he, too, is coming home. He could hardly wait to get to church.....he was up and ready long before me........he made it clear to me last night that he wanted to be in church today. I'm sure he thinks he's in a Roman Catholic Church. I 'm saying what I "think" he is thinking because Zach is deaf and  unable to speak due to athetoid cerebral palsy. Our communication is sufficient, but limited. Zachary is a model of etiquette. He crosses himself at the appropriate time and kneels at the proper times, and I may add, not the lazy sort of kneeling with one's knees on the kneeling board and one's bottom on the pew. Zach kneels upright for minutes upon minutes at a time.....pretty good for someone with a severe physical handicap. Zachary is totally serious about worshiping God and praying to Him. It is such a blessing to pray alongside him.

So, this morning, Zach and I worshipped together. We have both come home to stay. I'll be worshipping in the Anglican church until I go home to Heaven. When taking communion, I sense the presence of my parents there with me. I know my brothers are somewhere in an Anglican church saying the same prayers I'm saying. It brings me so much peace.

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